Saturday, March 21, 2009

Facebook the clear winner at work

(Click to enlarge)

Here's a tidbit from my research on organizational climate and social media use. Facebook is the clear winner at work over other social media sites. Does much better than the more business-oriented LinkedIn. I suspect that ease of use, huge membership and zero cost are the reasons. For many businesses Facebook is quite adequate for enhancing the external network of its people.
The data from my sample out of the Syracuse University Study Response pool. Selected were people in the U.S., 18 or over, and employed at least half time.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sun's Blog Rules

Another interest story from Ragan was the interview with Terry "tMac" McKenzie, senior director of employee communications at Sun. Sun is of course a leader in employee blogging starting with the COO, Jonathan Schwartz and the well-known policy. A couple of topics in the interview struck me as particularly interesting.
Terry summarized the policy as
1. Be interesting -- including be controversial but responsible.
2. Don't be stupid. Follow SEC rules, don't slander, etc. (Is that like "Don't be evil"?)
3. If you don't follow #2, you are on your own if you get sued.
"We are all about sharing and open systems," she said.
In the same e-newsletter, Ragan offers a three hour social media boot camp. If you think that is audacious or on the other hand, too long, just watch the interview with Terry that covers a lot of the ground in just a few minutes.
Another part of the interview dealt with the disappointment and posts related to Sun's not making a best places to work ranking. Many of these rankings depend on an employee survey, a subject of research interest with me so I will follow up. Maybe Sun has some of its own surveys beyond the proprietary one used for the best places ranking. The best places survey is known to have a significant trust component.
BTW, I learned from Vida Killian -- Thank you! -- that Dell does not have such surveys with respect to social media impact.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An Example of a Great Site

Thanks to Lindsey Miller of Ragan Communications for the story on the employee blog at Children's Health Care of Atlanta. The site is called Strong Enough to Care Enough. It's got to be tough dealing with often very sick children.
They spent a modest sum to set it up well and then have realistic costs going forward. Yes, it could have been done for less but employee time is valuable too.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Still need more data

I've been busy analyzing my social media and organizational climate data. I can use more since the "3-10-87%" participation rule -- or an approximation thereto -- still applies.
I've updated the link at the right. I'm debating donating a dollar to the Red Cross for each complete response. It's not compensation for your time but collectively -- a thousand completed questionnaires would be good -- the donation would be meaningful. What do you think?
The Society for New Communication Research (SNCR) is running its Tribalization of Business study. Looks interesting. See 2008 results and link to 2009 study at their website.