Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Research update -- signs of significance

There has been lots going on personally here with the granddaughter's first birthday and visitors in town. Dissertation work continues and it is a pleasure to work with data even if the results are not as clear as one would like. I'm sure that there are other stat packages comparable to SPSS but I continue to be impressed by the ability to concentrate on the data and not the mechanics of running computations.
Here's the latest:
In the current pilot study phase with senior college students and a few MBA students, the scales for trust in fellow employees, trust in management, knowledge exchange & combination, and job satisfaction have satisfactory reliability.
There is a positive correlation between time spent posting to social media away from work and trust in fellow employees. Otherwise nothing reaches statistical significance.
Lesson learned so far in the pilot: My "social media use index" needs some work so I'm revising and shortening the questionnnaire.
Comments are always welcome.

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